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Apprenticeships from Mercuri

Leadership, Sales and Service

Mercuri’s SALES+ Level 4 Sales Apprenticeship programme has been created by sales experts to ensure, as sales professionals you have the knowledge, skills and behaviours to sell successfully and consistently.

Sales Executive Apprenticeship Level 4

During the CMI accredited Level 3 Team leader Apprenticeship qualification, learners are introduced to a variety of leadership styles. This enables optimum motivation of team members and positive interaction with internal and external stakeholders.

Team Leader Apprenticeship Level 3

Mercuri's Customer Service Specialist Level 3 qualification delivers best in class customer service capability. Transforming reactive, troubleshooting teams into proactive customer experience managers with a passion to deliver outstanding service.

Customer Service Specialist Apprenticeship Level 3

Move your organization’s leadership capability to the next level. Multiply success through strategically aware, organized, achievement driven and inspirational leadership talent

Operations/ Departmental Manager Level 5