Engaging learning experience – the future of sales training
One of the biggest challenges that talent developers are facing today is how to engage learners. To succeed, you want people to move from “I need to learn” approach to “I want to learn”. Engagement is one important ingredient, but as we are talking about adult learners, they must feel that:
The content is relevant for their jobs. Learning is easy to access anywhere, anytime and across multiple devices.
An integrated blended approach to learning not only supports and engages different learner styles it also supports remote working. Find out how our Sales Apprenticeship programme is delivered through a multi format learning method and fully supports remote working.

From inspiration to assessment
To help people to succeed and have engaging learning experience our learning solutions are designed to foster engagement, effectiveness and retention.

Our digital learning solutions, from a single on-line module to a 6-month path, include a balanced combination of elements and formats to:
- Inspire learners
- Empower them to improve their skills
- Enhance retention
- Support implementation
- Allow self-assessments
The benefit of our solution
The Digital Learning Center of Mercuri International offers three key elements:

- Our 60 years’ experience in sales training is applied to our learning solutions. Our focus has always been on «building skills» and «putting into practice». This has also led to an understanding of how to work with professionals of all ages to help them achieve the desired change.
- Working with you, we build and deliver solutions that are engaging. Both in terms of learning formats and advanced technology.
- We know how sales people think, we know their challenges and what makes them tick. This helps us create relevant content and realistic scenarios.
Integrated solution for Digital Learning

- Modern and attractive, high performance LMS (Learning Management System) platform to create commitment toward the project and share contents with the learners. Companies who don’t have their own LMS, can use ours to create an effective and involving digital learning experience and share contents with the learners. Companies who have their own LMS, can integrate it with ours to improve the digital learning experience, if their current platform doesn’t offer gamification and social activities.
- Dedicated team who develop customized e-learning solutions useful to provide customer-specific contents and ground learning into the unique reality of the learners. They can be developed from the scratch to respond specific customer needs or we can add different levels of customization to Mercuri off-the-shelf contents.
- Off-the-shelf contents, useful for providing a common level of knowledge and skills throughout the learners. They are ready to use and the ideal solution for small group of learners.