Recruiting an Apprentice

Want to discover top talent for your business? We’ve got you covered!

Bridge the skills gap

Mercuri offers a complimentary recruitment service which handles attracting, pre-screening, and shortlisting fresh talent, customised for various sectors, roles, and departments.

With the current workforce encountering substantial skill gaps, it’s crucial to pinpoint the right individuals to achieve future objectives.

The business benefits of recruiting an apprentice

Grow Your Talent Pool For The Future

Increased Profitability

Retention outperforms non-apprentices by 47%

Greater job satisfaction and motivation

Develop your teams knowledge to become experts

Enhance customer experience and satisfaction

Enhanced employer brand and reputation

Stand out against competitors

78% said apprenticeships improve productivity

With the current workforce encountering substantial skill gaps, it’s crucial to pinpoint the right individuals to achieve future objectives.

Apprenticeship success stories & vacancies