If you’re experiencing financial hardship there are things you can do that might help. People may experience financial hardship for a variety of reasons but it is always best to speak to someone in the first instance to look at getting things sorted. Some life transitions can often affect our financial situation, as well as unforeseen events, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic.
If you are worried about your finance please take a look at some of the following websites:
Financial hardship typically refers to a situation in which a person cannot keep up with debt payments and bills or if the amount you need to pay each month is more than the amount you earn, due to a circumstance beyond your control
Managing debt
Stepchange help people deal with debt in a manageable way. Their team of debt experts help 635,000 people a year to deal with their debt problems.
Debt and Mental Health
- One in four adults will have a mental health problem at some point in their life.
- One in two adults with debts has a mental health problem.
- One in four people with a mental health problem is also in debt.
Debt can cause – and be caused by – mental health problems. It’s tempting to just not think about it – it can be uncomfortable and can make you feel guilty, depressed – or even hopeless. But sorting money problems out can help you to feel better – and to stay well.
The Trussell Trust
Find a Food Bank – The Trussell Trust support a nationwide network of food banks and together they provide emergency food and support to people locked in poverty, and campaign for change to end the need for food banks in the UK. “We know it’s a challenging time for everyone at the moment as the coronavirus pandemic unfolds. Food banks are grassroots, community organisations aimed at supporting people who cannot afford the essentials in life.“
If you are in financial crisis and live in England or Wales, please call The Trussell Trust confidential free helpline on 0808 208 2138 (open Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm).
Further resources available
- Money Saving Expert: Mental Health & Debt – this free 44-booklet supported by Mind, Rethink, CAPUK and others, for people with mental health problems and those caring for them. It covers how to handle debts when unwell, work with banks, free debt counselling, specific tips for bipolar disorder or depression sufferers, whether to declare a condition and more.