Blend (verb): Mix together so as to make a product of the desire quality.
Blended learning is a term which is often misappropriated. Deliver a day of face-to-face training, tag on a video or eLearning module, and there you have it. Not quite. Proper blended learning considers the desired learning outcome first. It then requires the training organization to mix the delivery modes available in the right combination to maximize the possibility of achieving that outcome. Not only do the modes of delivery need careful consideration, the proportions of each or, what we might call the recipe, needs to be spot on. Blended learning is not a cookie-cutter formula. The precise mix is likely to be different every time depending on topic, timescale, learner entry experience and preferred learning style.

Data true at time of publishing August 2022
Blended learning can involve face to face training. That could be delivered in a classroom, on site, online or, in the field. It may be in longer continuous sessions or short bite-sized pieces, possibly a single session. It could be supported by digital content, which is read-only or, interactive. Supportive case studies, videos, quizzes or assignments may be part of the digital ingredient. Open source, in-house video content or even entertainment footage, could reinforce a learning point. Commentary, podcasts and other passive learning channels can broaden and deepen understanding whilst making best use of available time.
Research, study, analysis and reflective activities may contribute to understanding and embedding of knowledge, skills and behaviours. Practice in role including solo flight or accompanied and observed implementation with debrief and coaching sessions as follow up, can create a deep appreciation of what success looks and feels like. This is experiential learning.
Coaching and feedback can make significant contribution to implementation quality and normalizing of new knowledge, skills and behaviours. Formal and informal tests, exams, presentations discussions, question and answer sessions will confirm and validate retention and use. Remind and reassure activities keep the saw blade sharp when utilized intelligently after the initial learning transfer.
Blended learning is an immersive experience. Working with Mercuri you will come to appreciate its full power and potential.

The return of face to face
Click here to read a blog from Mercuri’s MD Barry Hilton on the return of face to face learning